Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Went to a fun pumpkin patch and a train ride here in Oregon. It was the perfect way to start the fall season.

I am offically in Oregon. This summer has gone by so fast I am not sure were the time went. Corey and I moved to the area because of a job change. What a move. It was very hard to leave all my friends and family. I truely miss home but it has been good here so far. I am expecting in March and that will come so quick. I got the doctor I wanted and we found a cute home near by grandma and gramdpa. Who are great to have around. I love to the trees and flowers around this area during the fall time. It is so pretty all the leaves are changing to these amazing colors.

Cole is getting so big he had his 18 month b-day on October 17th. I can't believe how big he is getting. I think he has hit his teribble 2's already. He finally has four teeth after 18 months of living. For awhile there I was wondering if he was goning to be toothless his whole life. I truely enjoy him and love being able to spend time with him everyday.

Corey and I are doing well. Corey is liking his new job with Verizon Wireless Company. It is so nice because I am able to stay home and be a full time mom. Something I have wanted to do for awhile. I am about 5 months along in this pregnancy and I can find out what I am having soon. I am adjusting to the area and doing better than I thought. I still have to talk to my sister everyday but that is to be expected. I truely know that God has a plan for all of us and we are meant to be here in Oregon.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The 4th of July celebration

Our family went over to Craig and Leanna's home for the fun festivities. We ate lots of food. The kids swam in the kids pool and played in the sandbox. We had a fun time watching all the fireworks Craig let off in the yard. The kids stayed up until 11:30pm. Wow it was a late night for them. Cole had such a great time. Corey and I loved getting together with friends and family that day.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Early Summer 2009

Well Corey, Cole, and I are having a fun summer. We have been boating and going swimming at the pool a bunch. We can't believe it will be our 2nd anniversary and we still are getting along.

Cole is growing so fast. He is definately a toddler and into every boy thing possible. He love to go into the garden and eat pea's from the pod. Cole also likes to swim, blow bubbles, and play on the steps of the pool. I think it is so cute. We feel blessed to have him in our lives, and makes us laugh all the time with his goofy personality.

Corey has had a great boat season at work. Making some boat sales and wakeboard clinic's. He got his car fixed (suspension) and know there is no more clunking. Corey misses Oregon so much he cries every night. So we went on a trip at the begining of June to go see his family and friends.

I am busy taking care of Cole and working in the shop. I am enjoying this summer and the pool. It seems like time goes by so fast. I have a birthday coming soon and I definately don't care to celebrate. I am getting to be a grown up.